Pa La Au Waterfall Hua Hin


Pa La Au Waterfall is a 15-level waterfall along a creek stretching out to the Burmese border. It's about 60 km west of Hua Hin. It's in the south end of Kaeng Krachan national park (Thailand's biggest national park), so if you're not a Thai citizen you have to pay an entrance of 200 Bath.

There is also an elephant camp, at the left side of the park entrance. This is a better deal than the ones in Hua Hin, since the jungle is more genuine. You don't have to pay the park entrance fee to do this ride.

Most visitors are turning back after the third level. I recommend you to keep on going as far as your physics allow you to.

Watch out for; slippery stones, muddy track during rain, mosquitoes, leeches. I was also told there are tigers and black panthers in the area. I don't know if that's true.

To get there; rent a car or a motorbike, get a taxi or let the hotel staff arrange the trips. The touts along the Hua Hin streets are overpriced. Hua Hin Tourist Information offers a great private tour, a good deal if you don't want to arrange the trip by yourself.

Bring water for this trip, you'll need it. And, keep the park clean Tourist Places around Pa La Au Waterfall

Located at Kaeng Krachan National Park, there are 2 routes to get there. Coming from the park headquarter, enter Song Pee Nong Village, pass Yang Chum Village, Nong Pub Village. Then go further to La Au Forest by following the signs. The total distance is 80 kilometers.

If coming from Bangkok, enter Petkasem Road, pass Petchaburi city, Ta Yang district, to Cha Am-Panburi By-Pass Road, turn into Houy Mong Kon Village at a junction, then go along on Royal Road Number 3218-3219 (Hua Hin district-Pa La Au route) for 19 kilometers, you wonโ€™t miss Pa La Au Waterfall. Below, there are 4 tourist attractions around Pa La Au Waterfall.

Pa La Au Waterfall

This 15-tier waterfall flows all year round. Each tier is unique in beauty. Especially, at 15th tier, it was explored by just a few people, but everybody said the same thing โ€œ never been, never know what the utmost beauty is likeโ€.

Chonlanark Waterfall

Even though it is a 3-tier waterfall, its cliff stands the tallest in Kaeng Krachan National Park. The height is about 150 to 200 meters. Located in proximity to Pa La Au Waterfall, it usually takes about 6 hour walking and requires one night stay over. Sound is hard, isnโ€™t it?

Nature Route

800 meters long of the nature route starts at a parking lot and ends at the 1st tier of Pa La Au Waterfall. With signs along the route and walking on a hanging bridge, it offers the most memorable nature learning.

Houy Pa Lao Reservoir

Here is one of the best bird watching points in Kaeng Krachan National Park.

Talk about accommodations. Unfortunately, there is no guesthouse and restaurant offered around Pa La Au Waterfall. Therefore, tents and easy to cook or semi cooked food must be brought if wanting to stay over. Prior to trek into the forest, you are recommended to obtain some important information at the station of Houy Pa Lao Protection Center. Speed is limited and caution is in need, because elephants often cross the route. It opens for visitor from 8 am. to 5 pm.

Pa La U Waterfall & Elephant Riding Tour

The Pa La U Waterfall is part of the Kaeng Krachan National Park. It is located about 60 Km west of Hua Hin, near the Burmese border. The Pa La U Waterfall with its 16 steps, is one of the biggest waterfalls in Thailand. The surrounding forest is over a thousand years old and is filled with rare wild animals.

Our trip starts in the morning. We will first stop at the elephant camp, where you will experience an exciting elephant ride through the deep jungle, you will find yourself overwhelmed by the nature surrounding you, and you will most probably feel the legendary wisdom of the elephant taking you carefully through the jungle.

This will be one experience you will always remember!

Then we will be on our way towards the Pa La U Waterfalls driving west through pineapple Plantations towards the mountains near the Burmese border.

We will trek through an unspoiled rainforest right to Pa La U Waterfall where we trek up to the 3rd level, there is a pool with wild crap fish. You will experience the beautiful waterfall and jungle surroundings where wild monkeys and birds can be heard and sometimes spotted.

After the waterfall we will travel back to Hua Hin after a very happy and exciting trip.
Tour Prices and Time
Minimum 2 persons

2800Baht per person
Minimum 4 persons

2200Baht per person
Includes: Entrance fees, English speaking guide, Transport, Lunch, Accident insurance, Elephant ride, snacks and soft drinks..

08:00hrs - 16:00hrs

To book the tour or to make enquiry about the tour please visit         

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